
Learn DevOps: The Complete Kubernetes Course


In this DevOps course taught by Edward Viaene, students gain expertise in Kubernetes, a crucial DevOps technology. Students learn to set up and manage Kubernetes clusters, deploy applications and services, automate operations, and troubleshoot common issues. The course is a great option for people seeking a thorough grasp of Kubernetes in the context of DevOps because it gives learners the necessary skills to efficiently coordinate containerized applications.

Learn DevOps: The Complete Kubernetes Course

  • Instructor: Edward Viaene
  • Duration: 14 hours
  • Rating: 4.4/5 (15,101+ ratings)

This course will help you to gain an understanding of how to deploy, use, and maintain your applications on Kubernetes. If you are into DevOps, this is a technology you need to master. Kubernetes has gained a lot of popularity lately and it is a well-sought skill by companies. This course is updated frequently to include the features of the latest releases! When Google started running containers a decade ago, nobody could reach this kind of infrastructure agility and efficiency. Using this knowledge, Google released Kubernetes as a free and open-source project.

Nowadays Kubernetes is used by small companies and big enterprises who want to gain the efficiency and velocity Google has. You can containerize applications using Docker. You can then run those containers on your servers, but there’s no way you can manage those efficiently without extra management software. Kubernetes is an orchestrator for your containers that will create, schedule and manage your containers on a cluster of servers.

Kubernetes can run on-premise or in the cloud, on a single machine or on thousands of machines. The author will show you how to build apps in containers using docker and how to deploy those on a Kubernetes cluster. He will explain to you how to set up your cluster on your desktop, or on the cloud using AWS. He uses a real-world example app (WordPress with MySQL – blogging software) to show you the real power of Kubernetes: scheduling stateless and stateful applications.  

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