Top 5 Beginner Friendly SQL Courses on Udemy

An effective tool for maintaining and modifying data in relational databases is SQL (Structured Query Language). Udemy provides a variety of SQL courses taught by qualified teachers, so you can improve your SQL abilities whether you’re an experienced developer trying to learn SQL from the start or a newbie looking to pick up the basics. In this post, we will be examining the best five SQL courses on Udemy. These top five courses on Udemy are among a wide range of SQL courses that give excellent opportunities to learn and develop SQL abilities. Each of these courses, which range from thorough boot camps to focused data analysis courses, is taught by qualified professors to all types of students, If you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, enrolling in one or more of these SQL courses will undoubtedly enhance your database management and data analysis abilities.

Best SQL Courses on Udemy

The Complete SQL Bootcamp: Go from Zero to Hero

Instructor: Jose Portilla

Duration: 14 hours

Ratings: 4.7/5 ( 172,520 ratings)

You will learn all you need to know to master SQL in the aforementioned course. This thorough course, taught by skilled instructor Jose Portilla, covers essential subjects such as database architecture, SQL database querying, and SQL with Python. You will obtain valuable experience with databases via practical exercises and real-world assignments. By the end of the course, you will be capable of successfully utilizing SQL to browse and manipulate data.

The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert

Instructor: Colt Steele

Duration: 36.5 hours

Ratings: 4.7/5 ( 85,064 ratings)

Colt Steele’s “The Ultimate MySQL Bootcamp” is another renowned SQL training. This course, which has received over 92,000 evaluations, is geared towards novices and leads students on a path to mastering MySQL, a well-liked database management system. In addition to creating and modifying databases, working with table connections, and implementing complex SQL queries, students will study SQL fundamentals. This thorough course gives students the knowledge and abilities they need to properly work with MySQL databases.

SQL – MySQL for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

Instructor: 365 Careers

Duration: 11 hours

Ratings: 4.6/5 ( 52,564 ratings)

This course is intended for those who are interested in using SQL for business intelligence and data analytics. This course covers the principles of SQL, and the development of databases, including data querying, filtering, and aggregation. Students will also learn how to create reports, execute sophisticated SQL joins, and gain understanding through data visualization. This course offers a strong foundation for using SQL for business intelligence and data analysis.

SQL for Beginners: Learn SQL using MySQL and Database Design

Instructor: Tim Bhuchalka and Jean-Paul Roberts

Duration: 8 hours

Ratings: 4.6/5 ( 46,923 ratings)

In the course, you will gain a solid foundation in SQL and its practical applications.. This course, which is geared towards novices, goes through fundamental ideas including database architecture, table creation, data querying, and data manipulation. You will discover how to create SQL queries, comprehend database connections, and use filtering and sorting strategies to extract useful insights from databases. By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the knowledge and abilities required to work with SQL databases with confidence and start your career in data management and analysis.

SQL for NEWBS: Weekender Crash Course

Instructor: David Kim and Peter Sefton

Duration: 3.5 hours

Ratings: 4.3/5 ( 15,178 ratings)

This course is a fantastic option for novices looking for an introduction to SQL education. This course, taught by A Course You’ll Actually Finish, provides a succinct and approachable introduction to SQL. It covers the fundamentals of SQL syntax, database queries, data filtering, and data analysis activities. Despite being geared towards beginners, the course also covers several principles from the intermediate level, preparing students for more sophisticated SQL abilities.

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